
Management of the Institute

Jakub Hlávka, Ph.D., M.A.

phone: +420 549 49 3603

About Jakub

Jakub Hlávka, Ph.D. is Director of the Health Economics, Policy and Innovation Institute (HEPII) at Masaryk University, Czech Republic, and a Clinical Associate Professor (Adjunct) of Population and Public Health Sciences at the University of Southern California (USC). He is also a Non-Resident Fellow at the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics at USC. His interests include Alzheimer's disease and the economics of aging, innovative payment for emerging therapies, incl. cell and gene therapies in oncology, neurology and cardiovascular disease, health system reform and the study of inequality, and resilience and preparedness in both healthcare and national security.

Jakub Hlávka holds a PhD from the Pardee RAND Graduate School, a master’s degree from Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Economics in Prague.

Ing. Dagmar Špalková, Ph.D.

phone: +420 549 49 8008

About Dáša

Dáša organizes the running of HEPII and coordinates the activities of its members. She draws on her experience with the establishment and running of the Institute of Public Administration (at ECON MUNI), organizing conferences at the faculty and her four-year tenure as Vice-Dean for External Relations. She also works as an assistant professor at the Department of Public Economics (ECON MUNI) with a focus on human resource management in public administration.


Dr. Magdalena Adamus


About Lena

Lena is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Economics since 2022 and before that, she was MSCA-IF (OP VVV) post-doc at the Faculty of Economics and Administration. Her research focuses on gender inequalities, conspiracy theories, and their impact on economic and health-related behaviour. Her recent studies delve into longitudinal analyses of relationships between conspiracy theories, economic anxiety, and experiences of precarity.

dr. Jakub Červený, MSc


About Jakub

Jakub Červený has been an assistant professor at HEPII since 2024 and also works at the Institute of Health Analyses of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic. His research involves applied microeconometrics with a focus on health and labour economics. He is interested in topics such as: survival/duration analysis, regional differences in health care utilization and quality, drug co-payments and competition in health care. He got his Doctor degree in 2017 at Universiteit van Tilburg in the Netherlands and then held a post-doc position at the Department of Health Economics at Medizinische Universität Wien.

Mgr. Jakub Chalmovianský, Ph.D.


About Jakub

Jakub is an assistant professor at the Department of Economics. In his research activities, he focuses primarily on questions related to the functioning and institutional setting of labor markets and the creation and examination of the quality of economic forecasts for policymakers, both with the use of structural (macro)economic and microsimulation models. In the past, he also worked as a biostatistician, where he gained experience in processing biomedical data in clinical research.

PharmDr. Dominik Grega, Ph.D.


About Dominik

Dominik is an assistant professor at the Institute of Applied Pharmacy FaF MUNI. He is engaged in teaching and research in the field of HTA. He has practical experience from working at the Pharm-In company, where he mainly deals with the methodological side of HTA and the current implementation and decision-making practice in Slovakia, as well as the preparation of pharmacoeconomic analyses. At the same time, he is a member of the executive committee of ISPOR Chapter Slovakia.

MUDr. Matěj Kučera


O Matějovi

MUDr. Matěj Kučera vystudoval všeobecné lékařství na 3. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy v Praze a v současné době je doktorandem pod společným vedením na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze a Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Od roku 2018 působí také jako vědecký pracovník na oddělení veřejného duševního zdraví Národního ústavu duševního zdraví. Ve své výzkumné práci se zaměřuje na témata, jako je demence u seniorů, psychická a emoční pohoda dětí a adolescentů a HTA v psychiatrické péči a public mental health. Věnuje se také výuce epidemiologie a HTA.

doc. JUDr. Ivan Malý, CSc.


About Ivan

Ivan is an associate professor at the Department of Public Economics. At MUNI he lectures on economic aspects of health policy and its financing at the faculties of economics and administration and medicine. His research focuses mainly on exploring the relationship between the functioning and reform of health systems and public policy. Since 2014, he has been working for the European Commission as a local expert on health and long-term care within the ESPN and ENASSP consortia.

doc. Ing. Štěpán Mikula, Ph.D.


About Štěpán

Štěpán is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and an IZA Research Fellow. He is an applied microeconomist with primary research interests in labor, migration, social capital, and health. Additionally, he is also interested by various aspects of political economy, particularly voting behavior. A significant portion of his research is dedicated to examining the post-war expulsion of ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia and the subsequent development of Sudetenland.

Ing. Mgr. Hana Mlčochová


About Hana

Hana works as a data analyst at HEPII. During her studies for the Master's degree in Mathematical Biology and Biomedicine at the Faculty of Science of MU and Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Economics at ESF MU, she focused mainly on modelling and data processing in healthcare. She is now a PhD student at the Department of Economics, where she is working on health economics.

Mgr. Marek Navrátil


About Marek

Marek is a doctoral student at the Department of Public Economics and member of the HEPII institute. His research interests span public health and sexual health economics, with the latter being pursued at the National Institute of Mental Health.

Mgr. et Mgr. Tereza Parks


About Tereza

Tereza Parks is a researcher at Masaryk University, where she is studying for her Ph.D at the Department of Public Economics. Her research focuses on health policy in the context of improving the quality of services provided in health facilities. She aims to find intersection between cost benefit in the public sector and population satisfaction.

Bc. Tereza Škývarová


About Tereza

Tereza is a data analyst at the Institute for Health Economics, Policy, and Innovation. She is also a student of the Master's programme in Mathematical and statistical methods in economics.

doc. Ing. Mgr. Jana Soukopová, Ph.D.


About Jana

Jana is Associate Professor at the Department of Public Economics and guarantor of the Applied Health Economics programme. Her research focuses on the efficiency of public spending and the use of economic analysis methods in the field of environment and health.

Ing. Barbora Tachezyová


About Bára

Bára is a data analyst at the Health Economics, Policy and Innovation Institute. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economic Policy and a Master's degree in Economics.

Ing. Dominika Tóthová, Ph.D.


About Dominika

Dominika is an assistant professor at the Department of Regional Economics. Her research focuses on the economic consequences of environmental pollution, the relationship between environmental determinants of health and economic outcomes, health valuation, and research on consumer behaviour and preferences in the field of environment.

Mgr. Lucie Vidovićová, Ph.D.


About Lucie

Mgr. Lucie Vidovićová, PhD. is a sociologist and social gerontologist. She is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, where she co-founded the Centre for Research on Ageing CERA. Since 2001 she has also been cooperating with the Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs. In 2023 she was elected President of the Research Committee on Ageing of the International Sociological Association ISA. Her long-term research interests include the sociology of ageing, age discrimination, active ageing and social exclusion.

PharmDr. Martin Višňanský, MBA, Ph.D.


About Martin

Martin is a support coordination manager at Department of Public Economics. His main areas of interest are Pharmacoeconomics and Health Technology Assessment. He has been a co-founder of Slovak Agency for HTA (SLOVAHTA) and Slovak Pharmacoeconomics Society within Slovak Medical Society. He has served for some years already in ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research), where he represents Central and Eastern Europe in several advisory boards and committees.

Project team

Mgr. Anna Dvořáková


 Inactive employment status

About Anna

Anna's main focus within HEPII is the promotion of the Institute and the AHE study programme. She is involved in the organization of the Institute's events and coordinates cooperation with partners.

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